Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are taxes and shipping included?

A: No, taxes and shipping are calculated at checkout.

Q: How is shipping calculated?

A: We calculate shipping based on order value. Due to the fragility of pottery and the bulky packaging required to avoid breakage, it adds cost. Our current rates as of 9/6/2023 are <$70 order is $10 shipping; $70.01-140 order is $20 shipping; $140.01-210 order is $30 shipping, >$210.01order is $40 shipping.

Q: Do you ship outside the United States of America?

A: Not at this time.

Q: My piece arrived and it's not the size I expected. Can I return it?

A: All sales are final. Please carefully read the dimensions prior to ordering. 

Q: My piece arrived broken. What should I do?

A: While we make every effort to avoid this, accidents do happen. Please take a picture of the box and piece so we can file a claim with the shipping company. Please contact us for a replacement or refund at info@kswpottery.com.